Reflections11 x 14
Note Cards available
I am famous! Well, not exactly, but at least I just got a lot of exposure. :) Yesterday, I was the cover artist for the Farmington Valley itown section of the Hartford Courant. There is a large color photo of
Reflections, one of the Barkhamsted Reservoir paintings featured in my April 22, 2008 post. (I was not going to post the image here but the post looked so boring and empty without a painting so here it is again.) On page 3 is a photo of me and a nice little bio.
I am collecting copies for Mom and Dad who are very excited about this. They don't have a computer. You, however, can see what was printed by looking at their web site,0, I tried to make this a tidy little link but it didn't work and I still have to prepare for the show I am hanging at Duncaster first thing tomorrow morning.
My friend Wanda had told me about the cover art possibility 4 weeks ago on the Sunday that they started it. I submitted two paintings by email that very night. I didn't hear anything back until last week when I was informed that they were inundated with art submissions but had chosen mine. Paul Stern, the itown editor told me by email,"We select the ones that we think will reproduce best on newsprint and catch the eye and/or have local appeal. Yours qualifies on all counts. "
Thank you Paul! And thanks to Loretta Waldman for doing such a nice job of it! May has been a very nice month for my career so far. What will come next? (Lots of paintings sales and commissions I hope!)