Monday, August 25, 2008

Gregory the Corn Snake

Last night I found Gregory, after she (or is it he, we don't really know) was lost in the house for three days! After ransacking and searching through the whole house and cellar for a large portion of those three days, I found her in a box of tissues in Leif's bedroom, right near her cage.
The first photo is Gregory on me, minutes before I put her away without remembering to put the heavy books on the lid of the cage. The second photo is Leif and Gregory this afternoon. We are all very happy. Special thanks to Darlene, a California psychic, for her remote viewing to help find Gregory. She assured me for three days that he was alive, still on the second floor, and most likely in Leif's room. Check out her site at Psychic readings by Darlene. She specializes in finding what is lost, and has a host of other very cool gifts. She is a fabulous resource.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ducklings again

Follow the Leader II
4 x 10
$135 with mat and frame

Finished this just now. At least, it may be done. Same photo reference as last painting.

I have been very distracted. Two days ago I didn't put books on the top of Gregory's lid for his cage, and he got out. I have been searching for him every since. I have lines of flour on the floors to try to track his passage and even have two live mice positioned at strategic points to tempt him out of hiding. So far, no sign. I am distraught and can't seem to focus on paintings. :(

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Follow the Leader
4 x 10
$135 with mat and frame

I finally finished another painting! I completed this today and have already started another using the same reference photo, which I took at Loon Lake in July. (See July post about Loon Lake.) They are Mallard Ducks.

I have been busy having giclee prints made and producing new note cards. This involved a bit of traveling, as well as folding, packaging, and distributing. My newest note cards are: Cardinal, Tanager, Hummingbird with Thistle, Broad-billed Hummingbird, Costa's Hummingbird, Goldfinch with Flower, Crocus, Delicate Arch and Lava Canyon. Cards are $2.50 each with discounts for larger quantities. Wholesale price is $1.25. I now have 47 different note cards, which are all listed on my web site, except for these latest additions.

I plan on finishing the Neushwanstein Castle at some point, as well as at least one of three plein air paintings of Loon Lake as seen from my friend's camp. I better get painting!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Black Snake

Black Snake
8 x 10
Note card: $2.50
Jeff shot the reference photo for this painting at Omega Institute in Rheinbeck, NY. I loved the photo and had to paint this. It sold at my first solo show, in April 2006.
Today I got a beautiful corn snake for my son from Freecycle. The snake is friendly and gorgeous and even came with a huge and well equipped cage. Leif is thrilled. Gregory will make a lovely subject for a watercolor.
